How to open your system for Support Access
How to open your system up for Support Access so that we can see what you can see
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Table of Contents
Why do I need to open my system for Support Access?
Sometimes in order to resolve support queries, our team may need to be able to see your system and investigate the issue. We can only access your system with your permission, therefore you will need to allow us access each time that you require support.
Please Note: This will only grant us the same access that you as a User have. If you require us to look into something that is above your permission level, you will need to contact your Administrator for them to open the system for support.
How do I open my system for Support Access?
To open your system go to Settings>User>Support:

Next, click on the "Allow Impersonation" button:
Once you click this, Support Access will be open and the button will change to a "Stop Impersonation" button. You will also notice that you have a new Support Icon on your Dashboard, indicating that we have Support Access. This will appear as a neon headset as below:

How do I stop Support Access?
To revoke Support Access simply click on the "Stop Impersonation" button from within Settings>User>Support.
Alternatively, you can click on the Support Icon from anywhere in the system and then click "Stop Impersonation"