An Overview of the Template Editor
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Table of Contents
The Template
Your Template is where you define all the different Sections, Profile Types, Rating Systems and Fields / Checks that are available.
You can show/hide Sections and Fields for different Profile Types, or have a more advanced setup using the logic builder.
It also allows you to select which Rating System fields count towards.
Templates are layered as follows:
The Default Template that you see within the Template Editor is made up of an Application Template which contains items such as Profile Details, with names, start/leave dates etc
Then would come a Federation Template if you are part of a Federation/Group.
And finally an Organisation Template.
For Example: If changes are made to a Federation Template they would flow down into the Templates of all the Organisations within the group.
The Federation and Organisation Templates are what you will be able to modify and customise as per your individual policies and procedures.
They are available under Settings > Federation/Organisation > Templates
To edit a Template, just press the Edit button to the right of the Template to be taken to the editor.
Here you will be able to see the Sections and Fields that are available by Default:

Each Profile Type can also be tailored.
Simple examples are to only have Sections / Fields appearing for selected Profile Types, but you can also adjust the Ratings and Labels of the fields as well.
To remove complexity, we decided to make it so that the ordering is per Template, not per the individual Profile Type.
You can add Sections, Fields and rearrange them to suit your particular configuration.
All Template editing is done in draft mode. So any changes you make are saved as you go. When you are happy with the changes you've made, press Publish Changes.
All changes are also versioned so we have a complete history of any changes made.