Video Guide





The Filter Bar


Our Filter component appears in a few places in the application. It allows you to reduce the number of Profiles you are viewing by selecting a few of the most common options.


Here is a typical example of what the Filter bar looks like:



This will show exactly what it says, all profile types that only have the Active and Onboarding tags.


To change the selected profile types, click on all profile types and a drop-down will appear.



In here, you can now toggle on and off what you want to see. A tick means that the item will be shown. Once you have set your selection, press the Apply button.



To change the list of tags, simply press the 'with Active and Onboarding' button to see the following drop-down:



Choose what you would like to see, and press Apply. You must select at least one item.



Filtering by Ratings


If you want to filter profiles that have passed or failed specific ratings, press the plus button at the end of the filter, and choose from the available filters:



You will then be able to modify the filter, for example, if you want to change from Inspector Ready to not Inspector Ready, click the filter and change the option.



You can add a new filter for each rating system, the end result may be something like this: