Enforcing Multi Factor Authentication
How to enforce the set up of MFA across your Federation/Organisation
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If you would like to enforce Multi-Factor Authentication across your Federation or Organisation, you can now do this via Settings.
Please Note: Only users with full Administrator permissions are able to amend this.
Enforcing MFA for your Organisation
To enforce the use of MFA for your Organisation, head to Settings>Organisation Menu>Users and then scroll down to ‘Preferences’
Toggle on ‘Enforce MFA’ as below:

Once enabled, any new or existing users who do not yet have MFA set up will be presented with the following screen when they log into the system:

Users that have MFA set up will have a green locked padlock icon next to their username, and users who have yet to set this up will have a red unlocked padlock icon:
Enforcing MFA for your Federation/Trust
To enforce the use of MFA for your Federation/Trust, head to Settings>Federation Menu>Users and then scroll down to ‘Preferences’
Toggle on ‘Enforce MFA’ as below:

Once enabled at federation level, the ability to turn off the enforcement on individual organisations will be greyed out:

Any new or existing users who do not yet have MFA set up will be presented with the following screen when they log into the system:

Users that have MFA set up will have a green locked padlock icon next to their username, and users who have yet to set this up will have a red unlocked padlock icon: