There are occasions when an Enhanced DBS Check might not be required for certain people. 

On Sign In Central Record, you now have the option to specify when an Enhanced DBS Check is not required per Profile Page (for certain Profile Types)

You will need to enter the reason that the check is not required so we have put this guide together to help you determine if an Enhanced DBS Check is required or not. 



An Enhanced DBS Check may NOT be required in the following circumstances:


The person is supervised or escorted - e.g: 

  • You have a staff member/volunteer who is not in regulated activity, ie: they are supervised at all times.
  • You have a contractor who is being escorted at all times.


The person is in school out of hours - e.g:

  • You have a contractor who is carrying out work outside of school hours and therefore has no opportunity of contact with children.


The person is under 16:

  • You have a pupil under the age of 16 on work experience.

(You may want to consider carrying out a Risk Assessment for anyone coming into the school on work experience. This might include speaking with their school/college to get a character reference or ask about any concerns regarding the pupil.)



The following flow chart is included in the KCSiE Guidance:


If you are not sure whether someone is in Regulated Activity or not you can refer to our Help Article: Who is considered to be in "Regulated Activity"